Vaccine Necessity, Legality and Ethics


1) C19 vaccines don't reduce transmission, and in some cases appear to be doing the reverse - 

2) viral loads appear to be indistinguishable between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated individuals -

3) in general, if one is worried about transmitting while asymptomatic, the key point to remember is that it is vanishingly rare for an asymptomatic carrier to transmit -

4) these vaccines appear to increase and not reduce all-cause mortality. In fact , they appear to make things worse -

5) Here is the excess mortality numbers in British Columbia, following the rollout of the second dose at the end of May 2021.

A new study on the matter of all cause mortality and vaccines has suggested that the median vaccine fatality rate is about 0.04% or 4 deaths per 10,000 individuals.

6) Increases in all-cause mortality after the first dose rollout is further explained by the findings that C19 vaccines produce negative effectiveness in the first 2 weeks of approximately 40-60%


7) Subsequently the vaccine appear to demonstrate positive effectiveness, the ensuing, however, this protection lasts only 3-4 months, after that the effectiveness dips into the negative territory. And this pertains not just to mild but also severe and fatal disease. This is why the authorities are ramping up the booster campaign since without boosters, vaccine failure would be all too apparent. However, there is no evidence that boosters would change anything beyond a few months. Since the company trials onwards, it has been clear there is no evidence that vaccines save lives as there were more deaths in the Pfizer vaccine arm versus Pfizer placebo arm. Subsequent administration of boosters, while most likely providing additional short-term protection, accrue additional adverse events risks, which are cumulative.

Here is the latest data from Denmark that appear to indicate that boosters have negative effectiveness in preventing C19 (omicron variant) and no effectiveness with respect to other variants. 


10) Ethical Considerations - Nuremberg Code – 

11) Legal Considerations - Canadian constitution - 



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