
Showing posts from July, 2021
 Province of BC, Excess Mortality – A Peculiar Tale Questions to the BC Government Alex Posoukh, 604-307-3733, Worldwide lockdowns came into effect in March 2020. Immediately, various public health measures triggered substantial collateral effects, which included increasing all-cause mortality. Such phenomena were caused by panic, despair, government driven medical rationing, fear, utilization of improper medications, faulty medical procedures, overuse of DNRs and end-of-life therapies in the long-term care facilities, and hunger in the developing nations. Many claimed from the outset that, unless limited or altogether abandoned, these lockdown measures would inflict damages far beyond deaths caused by Covid-19.                 It rapidly became clear that governments, particularly in jurisdictions with important mortality spikes, were bent on obscuring exact causes of such mortality. The questi...