
Showing posts from June, 2021
  Province of BC, Excess Mortality – A Peculiar Tale Questions to the BC Government Alex Posoukh, 604-307-3733,   At the outset of the lockdown regimes across the world in March 2020, many sceptics claimed that the new all-cause mortality phenomenon was not going to be an exclusive domain of those effected by the Covid-19, a disease that is allegedly triggered by the novel coronavirus SARS Cov2. Right from the start, it became clear that the officialdom, particularly in jurisdictions with important mortality spikes, was bent to obscure the picture of who died due to the Covid-19 and who died due to other causes such as lockdowns. New York, on one bright April day just wrote in 3,700 Covid-19 fatalities 1 with no examination whatsoever. Others, like Belgium 2 , said outright that any all-cause excess mortality is the exclusive domain of the virus. Sweden, a notable lockdown resister, did its best to overcount to avoid any accusations of hiding the dat...