Province of BC, Excess Mortality – A Peculiar Tale

Questions to the BC Government

Alex Posoukh, 604-307-3733,


At the outset of the lockdown regimes across the world in March 2020, many sceptics claimed that the new all-cause mortality phenomenon was not going to be an exclusive domain of those effected by the Covid-19, a disease that is allegedly triggered by the novel coronavirus SARS Cov2. Right from the start, it became clear that the officialdom, particularly in jurisdictions with important mortality spikes, was bent to obscure the picture of who died due to the Covid-19 and who died due to other causes such as lockdowns. New York, on one bright April day just wrote in 3,700 Covid-19 fatalities1 with no examination whatsoever. Others, like Belgium2, said outright that any all-cause excess mortality is the exclusive domain of the virus. Sweden, a notable lockdown resister, did its best to overcount to avoid any accusations of hiding the data. As a result, Sweden’s excess mortality in 2020 of approximately 3,200 was handily overshadowed by the official Covid-19 fatality number of 9,7713.

            In this cacophony of successive obfuscations, Canada, most notably the province of BC, was an excellent outlier. On the one hand, the local governmental response, headed by the soft-spoken bureaucrat Bonnie Henry, was a massive overreaction as many a place. On the other hand, there was so little Covid-19 to be found in BC that the government inevitably came out to be a much-heralded early winner in the “struggle” against the virus.  Profiled by the prestigious New York Times4, Bonnie Henry was basking in the glory of low Covid-19 numbers while another disaster was developing under her nose. While Covid-19 indeed was not at all a problem, all-cause mortality began climbing almost immediately after the lockdown measures were put in place.

            The first obvious cause of lockdown mortality was a large spike in drug overdoses5. The government, which has not spoken once on the lockdown mortality impacts to this day, immediately blamed the events on increased drug toxicity, which was presumably the result of the closed borders. Even here, the mainstream press could have called the government to account – after all, the closed borders are the result of the lockdowns. But they didn’t. With the press completely under the sway of the government, the government began entrenching the “toxic drugs” propaganda message7, even if such spikes were happening south of the border as well6.

            Through the summer, the situation worsened as it was clear that the excess mortality numbers could not have account just for Covid-19 and drug overdoses. But the government stayed on the message of lockdown mortality denialism (in 2020, BC ended up with 5.5% excess mortality while “granny-killing” Sweden with 3.5%. While in Sweden, most of the excess mortality related to Covid-19, in BC the excess morality was predominantly driven by lockdowns – approximately 1.25% due to Covid-19 versus 4.25% due to lockdowns)8. Nearly every day, Adrian Dix and Bonnie Henry issue condolences to the families of the Covid-19 deceased. Not once they bothered to even mention nearly 1,500-2,000 of BC residents who most likely died as the result of the lockdown policies in 2020.


            As you can see from above, the trend of BC excess mortality exceeding the Covid-19 number remained consistent throughout the summer until the month January 2021. Notably, as the number of tests performed grew substantially throughout the fall (please see the graph below19), the clear pattern of reattribution of excess mortality to Covid-19 also grew. Between March and October 2020, the total excess mortality in BC amounted to approximately 1,300 while Covid-19 deaths amounted to only 264. As the “second” seasonal wave began gathering steam, reattribution to Covid-19 grew substantially. In fact, between November 2020 and January 2021, the total excess mortality amounted to approximately 940 while the total Covid-19 mortality for the same period amounted to 1,106. Particularly notable was the month of January 2021, the total access mortality was recorded to be just 25 while the Covid-19 mortality amounted to 381.



            By the end of January 2021, it appeared that the BC excess mortality numbers were primed for a trough as it happened in other jurisdictions such as the UK and Sweden after the epidemiological spikes. This was a somewhat reassuring news. However, February 2021 delivered a surprise as the excess morality went up once again. While there are several possible explanations for such a rise, the beginning of the vaccination campaign among the frontline staff and LTC residents could be one of such explanations.

            Given my previous article on the Prince Rupert vaccinations9, vaccines could have been a plausible explanation. With a 6-months hindsight of observing the local and foreign jurisdictional examples such as Norway and Israel, it is absolutely clear that vaccine induced Covid-19 like illness could have been one of such triggers in addition to all manner of organ complications10 and failures caused by blood clotting and other triggers such as neurological conditions described by Dr. Hoffe of Lytton BC11.  

            I personally came across at least 5 local cases whereby recently vaccinated individuals came down with a severe Covid like illness that necessitated ICU hospitalizations. One of these individuals died and was coded Covid-19. This post-first dose susceptibility was described as far back as February 2021 in at least three different UK and Danish studies12. In other words, it was entirely predictable. And yet this was completely omitted from the governmental communications with the public.

            With the above, I am inclined to believe that the “third” unseasonal wave in British Columbia and elsewhere in Canada was triggered by the mass vaccination rollout campaign in early March 2021. My earlier research on the targeted vaccinations clinics in Northern Health indicate that February 2021 excess mortality was not an unexplainable blip. To test my hypothesis, I decided to attribute all excess mortality unexplained by Covid-19 coding to the effect of the vaccines. While perhaps a bit aggressive method of accounting for the excess mortality burden, I justify such an approach by the fact that many of post-vaccinal deaths were coded Covid-19 as per my explanation in the previous paragraph. Moreover, this was anecdotally confirmed by several medical professionals in the media13.     

            Therefore, assuming that all Covid-19 fatalities recorded since the beginning of February 2021 are not related to the vaccination campaign and attributing the rest of the excess mortality to the vaccination effects, here are the results of the past 4 months (please be advised that April and May 2021 are estimates based on incomplete data available on June 20, 2021).


            From the above, I don’t think that it is difficult to recognize a pattern. First, February 2021 shows the concerted effort to vaccinate the front-line staff and LTC residents. The in March 2021, as the mass vaccination campaign began, the effects are delayed due to the gradual manner of the rollout and the 1-3-week window between the vaccinations and related outcomes. Only in the locations associated with the rapid clinics like in the one in Prince Rupert, one could see almost immediate mortality spikes. For the rest of the province, the excess mortality excess effect increased from March to April and from April to May 2021. What is worse, is that in Northern Health, subsequent to Prince Rupert, Haida Gwaii and Upper Skeena vaccination clinics, comparable mortality spikes were observed in April and May in association with clinics in other locations (please see table below). Worse yet, if Prince Rupert is any indication, the pattern of excess mortality, while subsiding from the record setting March 2021, still appears to trend above averages. This is abnormal (in red are the locations on the rapid vaccine clinic list as per Northern Health, Smithers – only partial rapid rollout).



            For the province as the whole, assuming the 1-3-week general delay between vaccinations and related effects, the excess mortality outcomes captured by the end of May 2021 roughly correspond to 2,500,000 doses given14. This works out to one fatality per 5,600 injections.  This is alarming to say the least as the government and related experts are still claiming “extremely rare” clotting events which could happen on the order of one per 60,000 to 600,00015 injections. This is patently not true. As I have received yet another personal report of an acquittance who landed in the hospital after her second injection, I am posing the following questions to the government.  



Questions to the BC Government


1.     Why has the government not investigated the excess mortality in the province and its correlation with public health measures?

2.     Why has the government not provided a cost-benefit analysis of its public health measures to date?

3.     Can the government provide scientific proof that the opioid spikes in BC have been caused not by the lockdowns due to expanded drug use but by the locality-specific factors such as sudden emergence of drugs with incrementally significant toxicity?

4.     Can the government advise of any changes in the Covid-19 coding guidelines given considerably higher levels of testing in the second part of 2020 and in 2021 as compared to the first 6 months of the public health measures?

5.     Was the government aware of the cited studied published in February 2021 that postulated that the Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness was significantly lower in actual LTC and frontline staff applications when compared to the original claims made on the basis of the manufacturers’ trials?

6.     Can the government clarify how many of the Covid-19 fatalities took place subsequently to the first or second injection administration?

7.      Is the government aware of the total reported Covid-19 vaccine fatalities in the US (VAERS), UA (Eudravigilence)? As such, in total have already amounted to more than 20,000, why is the government yet to pause its mass vaccination campaign pending further investigation?

























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